"Left in Reed"
"Left in Reed"
"Orange Rash"
"Orange Rash"
"Sweet Dream"
"Sweet Dream"
pastel and digital collages, 2022
ceramic, stained glass, fabric, plants
14in x 84in
An abstraction of the human body, this multimedia sculptural piece  A ceramic vessel with stained glass windows act as the torso, a living thing sprouts from its back, hastily crafted soft forms hand down as arms, and long, worn out gold fingers pool on the floor beneath. The body is shown here as a pieced together and fragile vessel, almost an urn, through which light spills in from the opening where the head should be. The plant feeds of the organic material of the body and reaches toward the sun that hits the figure's back. The torso is severed from the rest of the body and hangs alone, leaking a twisted and dark form. The arms hand limp and tired from the work of the hands, whose fingers are stretched out and gold from the precious things they worked on. 
The window letting out the light from the ribs depicts an abstraction of the third eye, through which a ragged and twisted figure made from the metal of a used Redbull can has entered and corrupted. 
"Vessel (Destroy This)" 
large scale mixed media piece with performance elements; pastel, charcoal, paper, ink
6ft x 7.5ft
Vessel (Destroy This) is an extension of the visual themes explored in the sculpture titled “Vessel”. Vessel explores the abstraction of the body as a container, creation, tool, and an act of destruction. This project focuses on the act of creation and destruction rather than final product. Watery, loose, messy portrayals of the artist's body were created, added to, ripped, and cut from the confines of paper. Space is made for organic and energetic forms in and among them. Vessel was made over 8 consecutive hours of creating, distorting, and destroying images of the self.
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